RVDA of Canada Update
From Eleonore Hamm, President, Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association (RVDA) of Canada
Richmond, BC, January 18, 2022 – The RVDA of Canada has provided the following update on recent developments of interest to the Canadian RV industry.

2022 RVDA of Canada Board
The RVDA of Canada held its last board meeting on November 8, 2021 in Las Vegas, NV. This meeting serves as our Annual meeting where we elected a new executive committee. The 2021-2022 Executive is as follows:
Chair: Josée Bédard, Roulottes Chaudière, Levis, QC
Vice Chair: Dale Hopkins, RV City, Leduc, AB
Treasurer: Jim Gorrie, GNR Camping World, Winnipeg, MB
Past Chair: Gord Bragg, Hub City RV, Lantzville, BC

George Goodrick Emerging Leader Award
At its annual meeting the RVDA of Canada announced that it would be creating a new award – the George Goodrick Emerging Leader Award – in honour of our past chairman. George was a true leader; he encouraged others to get involved and was very passionate about whatever project he embarked upon. George was a good friend to many and the Canadian RV industry was terribly saddened by his passing in February 2021.
Because of George’s tremendous contributions not only to the RVDA of Canada, but to the entire industry, the association wanted to recognize his continued dedication through a legacy award.
The Emerging Leader Award will recognize and encourage early-career professionals who have demonstrated exceptional commitment, passion and promise of leadership to the Canadian Recreation Vehicle industry. This award is open to all personnel in the Canadian retail and wholesale recreation vehicle industry sector.
Nominations are now open for the George Goodrick Emerging Leader Award and the association will name the first recipient in the fall of 2022. To be considered, individuals will need to meet the criteria of exceptional:
- Customer Service
Provide examples of how the nominee has proven to deliver consistent customer satisfaction, loyalty, and operational excellence as reflected in areas such as: organizational and employee development, revenue growth, and excellent customer experience.
- Impact
Provide examples of how the nominee created significant impact in achieving a strategic goal in a business, community, industry, or national scale.
- Innovation
Describe the nominee’s most innovative contributions such as how the nominee has creatively used new knowledge, ideas or technology to address a problem or issue.
- Initiative
Describe activities and initiatives, both through work and volunteering, in which the nominee is currently engaged which highlights their personal growth and demonstrated significant potential.
- Social Responsibility
Outline how the contributions made by the nominee led to the betterment of society.
The recipient of the George Goodrick Emerging Leader Award will be recognized in front of industry peers at a Provincial or Regional RVDA event.
Click here to view the nomination criteria and to Submit a nomination.
2022 Spring Parts Department Product Sales Training Webinar series
After having received tremendous response from our fall training sessions,
the association is pleased to announce a new spring series of sales training webinars for parts and service personnel. Don’t delay and register for the following complimentary webinars today.
You can also visit the RV Careers site to see all the upcoming training events and registration information.
Bauer Products – Next Generation of RV Locks
Date: February 9, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM PDT / 1:00 PM EDT
(30 min.)
Bauer Products of Grand Rapids, Michigan is manufacturer of high-quality, innovative products for the RV and horse trailer industries.
Thanks to the introduction of Bauer’s Keyed Alike system, RV manufacturers are able to offer RVs that use a single key to open entry doors, slam latches, cam latches and any other lock on the exterior of the vehicle.
Since 2020, Bauer Products has introduced Bluetooth-enabled latch system to allow the user to operate the latch through an app on a phone or smart watch, touch pad or key.
Attend this webinar to learn about:
- Developments in a new generation of RV locks
- Upgrading Opportunities in the Parts Store
- Offer the convenience and security that RV Consumers demand
Who is Driving Your Parts Business?
Date: February 16, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM PDT / 1:00 PM EDT
(45 min.)
Managing your parts and accessories inventory along with ongoing logistical challenges is a big task. It takes a dedicated and well-trained team to ensure your store is well-stocked for your customer and service repair needs are met. Despite the challenges, the parts department can be a profit centre.
Attend the upcoming webinar to learn:
- sell consumers what they need, not just they want
- proper questions to ask to qualify consumer needs
- Utilize the same training practices in unit sales for the parts and service staff
Measuring the Parts Department Profits by Product Categories
Date: February 23, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM PDT / 1:00 PM EDT
(45 min.)
With such a wide array of products in the RV aftermarket parts and accessories, what systems do you have in place to measure efficiencies and profitability? Do your staff have the resources they need to receive up to date product/inventory information and offer the best advice to customers to maximize profits?
Attend the upcoming webinar to learn:
- Identify and utilize resources
- Measure success
- Assess profitability
REMINDER: 2021-2022 NTP-Stag Canada RV Industry personnel bursary
For the 2021/2022 fiscal year starting August 1, 2021 and ending July 31, 2022, $12,500 has been allocated for the bursary program for RV Technician and RV fixed operations personnel.
To encourage professionalization of all fixed operations personnel, bursaries will be allocated as follows:
RV Technician | RV Fixed Operations personnel |
7 bursaries valued at $1000
1 top bursary at $1500 Total $8500 |
8 bursaries
$500 bursary Total $4000 |
The application form can be found at www.rvcareers.ca/awards.
Service Writer / Advisor Course available online
The Mike Molino RV Learning Center’s Service Writer/Advisor course is a convenient, efficient learning tool for RV industry fixed ops professionals. The nine-module course will take most service writers about five hours to complete and features a time, comprehensive final exam.
The Service Writer/Advisor online course offers the best and brightest ideas from RV industry service experts with instruction on:
• Improving customer satisfaction and community relations
• Organizing and managing appointments and workflow
• Generating additional services and revenue
• Coordinating with technicians and other departments
• Administrating and operating effectively
• Building trust and rapport
Cost: The course is $150 US per registrant.
Eleonore Hamm, President
Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association (RVDA) of Canada
Suite 145 – 11331 Coppersmith Way
Richmond, BC V7A 5J9
tel: (604) 718-6325
email: eleonore_hamm@rvda.ca
www.rvda.ca www.rvcareers.ca