Wholesale Shipments Summary for the period ending December 31st, 2021

Special report from Shane Devenish, CRVA

Burlington, ON, March 9, 2022 – The Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association reports that RV Wholesale Shipments into Canada for the 4th Quarter ending December 31st, 2021 totaled 13,354 units compared to 9,050 in 2020, representing an increase of 47.6%. Total RV Wholesale Shipments into Canada for the year totalled 57,701 vs 29,150 units in 2020 representing an increase of 97.9% for period.


According to Statistical Surveys, RVDA of Canada reported that Retail Activity during the 4th Quarter totalled 4,563 units and when compared to the wholesale shipment figure of 13,354, Canadian RV Dealer Inventory levels started to replenish from previous lows..

CRVA expects that dealer inventory levels will continue to build into 2022 but that it will take the next 1-2 years to fully establish inventory to historical industry levels.