Canadian Camping and RV Council Update – October 2021
From Shane Devenish
CCRVC’s vision developed at its conception – “To promote a thriving and vibrant Canadian Camping and RV Industry based on collaboration and advocacy”

CCRVC’s Mission Statement – “To provide for the betterment and support of the Camping and RV Industry in Canada”
CCRVC’s Board is committed to focusing on the vision and mission of the organization in an innovative, results-based, effective and fiscally responsible manner, with a foundation of strong governance and management leadership.
CCRVC Board of Directors
The Canadian Camping and RV Council’s Board of Directors comprises of representatives from RVDA of Canada (“RVDA”), from the Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association (“CRVA”), the Association of Atlantic RV Parks and Campgrounds, British Columbia Lodging and Campgrounds Association, Parks and Campgrounds Owners’ Association of Alberta, The Manitoba Association of Campgrounds and Parks, Camping in Ontario, Camping Quebec, New Brunswick Campground Owners Association, Campground Owners Association of Nova Scotia and a Corporate Campground Group (Parkbridge).
Administration Offices
CCRVC’s management agreement with the CRVA was extended during its last meeting until May 31st, 2022. Administration includes but is not limited to:
- Represent CCRVC at any public or private events or meetings
- Bookkeeping and Accounting functions of the Associations
- Plan, organize and co-ordinate required Board Meetings
- Ensure all necessary Association requirements are completed with Government Agencies
- Administration of Social Media communication
- Update and Administration of Association Websites
- Any other duties as directed

In addition to CRVA’s Staff, Cara Braeutigam was hired with responsibilities including administrative and membership renewals and benefits in her role of our Member Services & Benefits Coordinator.
Cara is also the co-host of a weekly Camping Industry Show with Modern Campground’s Brian Searl every Wednesday.
We are pleased to announce that the Campground Owners Association of Nova Scotia (COANS) has joined CCRVC as a new Member. Previously, Nova Scotia Campgrounds would join the Association of Atlantic RV Parks and Campgrounds to become a CCRVC Member. We had less than 5 Nova Scotia Campgrounds but in a majority vote of their members, COANS decided to join CCRVC.

In order to assist COANS, the administration and management is being currently handled by the CCRVC until such time a permanent solution can be decided upon.
The Campground Owners Association of Nova Scotia has been busy entering into a marketing partnership with Master Promotions for their Halifax and Moncton RV Shows and a strategic alliance with the Atlantic RVDA.
We are excited about our future and working closely with our Nova Scotia RV retailers.
Impacts of COVID-19
CCRVC continued to work with Provincial Governments and Health Departments to assist in their respective development of operating guidance documents throughout 2021.
Social Media
CCRVC renewed previous marketing campaigns such as “Camp Local”, “Social Distancing Perfected” and “Camp in the Bubble” to help attract campers during COVID across Canada which we believe was a success!
Canadian Outdoor Hospitality Conference & Expo

The Canadian Outdoor Hospitality Conference & Expo was held January 18th-21st and had 22 workshops and 44 Educational Workshops covering 4 Tracks – Business & Finance, Brand & Marketing, Income Diversification and Mastering Fundamentals. The Conference and Expo provided the chance for campground owners and suppliers to meet, interact and learn. Discussions to hold another educational conference for its members in the future are ongoing.
Canadian Camping Appreciation Weekend
We were excited to hold our 2021 Fall Camping Appreciation Weekend September 10th-12th, 2021. Camping Appreciation Weekend is a national initiative by the Canadian RV and Camping Industry to have the opportunity to thank their customers, offer site fee discounts and help celebrate the Camping and RV Lifestyle. Many campgrounds across Canada and especially Quebec offer their campers discounts.
This year Camping Appreciation Weekend was held in support of Care Camps, a charity that sends Canadian kids battling cancer to specialized oncology camps where they can enjoy nature, childhood, and fun.
We would like to offer our sincere thanks to Marco Polo Land, BC Lodging and Campgrounds Association, E & F Webber, Riverbend Campground and Parkbridge Resorts who helped raise nearly $11,000 in support of Care Camp children!
We are currently working on our plans to celebrate Canadian RV and Camping Week scheduled for May 24th-29th, 2022.
Social Media
CCRVC posts regular activities on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @CampinCanada, @CampinAtlantic, @CampNovaScotia and @CampinAlberta. The CCRVC team posts regular pertinent content, as well as manages the promotional/advertising campaigns.
We encourage everyone to like and follow our accounts and share our social posts.
Federal Advocacy
CRA Tax Issue
CCRVC was encouraged to see that the Committee included CCRVC in their report to the Minister of Finance as follows in 2021:
*Recommendation 117
Amend the Income Tax Act to clearly define that income earned by private campgrounds who employ fewer than five full-time employees year-round be considered as “active business income” for the purpose of determining their eligibility for the small business deduction.
*Recommendation 118
Review the rules defining passive and active business income, including the five-employee rule for small businesses.
CCRVC will continue to advocate for tax fairness of our small family run Private Campgrounds.
Grants to CCRVC Campgrounds to help develop EV Charging Station Network
We applaud the Government of Canada’s funding initiatives to develop a coast-to-coast fast charging network for EVs; to establish natural gas stations along key roads and highways and hydrogen stations in metropolitan centres; and to support the development of new technologies.
Funded through Budget 2019 and the 2020 Fall Economic Statement, the Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP) was a 5-year $280 million program ending in 2024 and its objective is to address the lack of charging and refuelling stations in Canada; one of the key barriers to ZEV adoption, by increasing the availability of localized charging and hydrogen refuelling opportunities where Canadians live, work, and play.

CCRVC submitted their Pre-Budget Consultation document to the Standing Committee on Finance with the recommendation “that the Government provide funding to CCRVC in the amount of $5,000,000 (Five Million Dollars) to help develop a coast-to-coast fast charging network for EVs in Private Campgrounds that would ensure people can drive and charge vehicles where they live, work and play across Canada, facilitating an increased uptake in the use of EVs.”
Campers Code
CCRVC would like to congratulate BC Lodging and Campgrounds Association for their initiative to develop “The Campers Code”. The Camper’s Code is a collaborative campaign started in 2021 by a dozen BC-based organizations who believe deeply in the responsibility of every single person to create a safe, enjoyable, respectful camping experience for all—people, wildlife, and nature, too.

Camping is quickly becoming the thing to do. There’s been a rapid increase in new campers across the province. We developed the Camper’s Code to bring all campers—new and seasoned backpackers, car campers, RVers, vanlifers, boondockers—together to commit to creating a camping community rooted in respectful recreation.
All Campers are invited to take the pledge at