A Special Report from the CRVA

The Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association (CRVA) is pleased to announce that the CSA Z240 RV Series:23 Standard has been published and is now available for purchase from the CSA Online Store: CSA Z240 RV SERIES:23 | Product | CSA Group.
This is the fifth consolidated edition of the CSA Z240 RV Series of Standards, Recreational Vehicles. It supersedes the previous editions published in 2014, 2008, 1999, and 1986. The majority of changes in this edition are due to the continuing efforts to synchronize the requirements for Recreational Vehicles in Canada and the United States of America.
Free public view-access on CSA Group’s website at “CSA Communities” is sponsored by the Canadian Recreational
Vehicle Association.
The Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association takes this opportunity to thank Technical Committee Chair Garth Cane from RV Lifestyle Magazine, Co-Chair David Mihalick from Thor Industries, Bryan Ritchie from RVIA, the Committee Members and Project Leader Michael Li from CSA for their efforts to make the project successful.