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CRVA Update – July 23rd, 2023

CRVA Quarterly Update: Paving the Way for a Thriving RV Industry

Special Report from Shane Devenish, CRVA.

Shane Devenish
Shane Devenish

The Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association (CRVA) has been hard at work over the past quarter, spearheading several key initiatives and engaging in activities that promise to enhance the RV and Camping industry across Canada. Here’s a comprehensive update on our recent efforts and upcoming events:

  1. Attended RVIA’s RVs Move America Week in Washington, DC

In June, CRVA had the honour of attending the RV Industry Association (RVIA) RVs Move America Week in Washington, DC. A significant highlight of this event for us is the Canadian Coalition Committee meeting, which brings together representatives from RVDA of Canada, CRVA, and RVIA each year. The meeting provides a crucial platform for open communication about the current challenges facing the RV industry in both Canada and the United States.

During the discussions, each organization provided updates on their respective countries, highlighting key issues such as regulatory changes, market trends, and the impact of economic factors on the RV sector. The meeting also served as an opportunity to share best practices and collaborative strategies to address common challenges, such as supply chain disruptions, labour shortages, and evolving consumer preferences.

By fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual support, the Canadian Coalition Committee aims to strengthen the RV industry across North America. The insights gained from these discussions are invaluable in shaping CRVA’s approach to advocacy and industry development, ensuring that the interests of the Canadian RV community are effectively represented on the international stage.

Our annual participation in RVs Move America Week not only allows us to engage in meaningful discussions but also underscored the importance of cross-border collaboration in addressing the dynamic needs of the RV industry. We are committed to continuing this dialogue and working closely with our US friends and counterparts to promote a thriving, sustainable RV industry for all.

RVs Move America Week 2024
RVs Move America Week 2024
  1. Standardized RV and Camping Industry Definitions

To ensure clarity and consistency within the industry, the Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association worked with the RVDA of Canada and the Canadian Camping and RV Association to develop standardized definitions for various RV and camping terms. This initiative aims to eliminate confusion among consumers, Municipalities, Provincial and Federal Governments, and other stakeholders, ensuring that everyone speaks the same language when it comes to RV specifications, camping categories, and related services. These definitions are now available at and will be incorporated into educational materials and marketing communications.

Additionally, the RV Industry will be advocating the use of the standardized definitions on the Municipal Information Network.

Camping and RV Industry Definitions for Municipalities
Camping and RV Industry Definitions for Municipalities
  1. Collaboration with CCMTA on Motorhome Licensing Registration

CRVA, along with the RVDA of Canada have been working closely with the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA), to have common practice amongst the provinces on the licensing and registration process for motorhomes across Canada.

Canadian provinces belong to the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA). The AAMVA Policy Positions handbook outlines the following policy which we are hoping to see adopted in every Canadian Province:

Motor Homes and Multi-Stage Vehicles

For vehicles manufactured in multi-stages, AAMVA endorses and encourages jurisdictions to indicate the following on title and registration records and documents:

  • The VIN shall be the first‑stage manufacturer’s VIN, and shall be the only VIN that is recorded in the motor vehicle agency’s files and on the registration and title;
  • The make shall be used to describe the complete vehicle as indicated by the final stage manufacturer; and
  • The model year shall be used to describe the complete vehicle as indicated by the final stage manufacturer and the only year recorded in the motor vehicle agency files and on the registration and title. [Amended 2013]  

Currently, some Provinces register the Chassis SN and not the OEM VIN Number which can skew the year that the Motor Home was manufactured for consumers.  We are making significant progress and are hopeful we can convince the Provinces to change in the coming months.

Terry Elias
Terry Elias
  1. Terry Elias Hall of Fame Induction

We are excited to announce that CRVA will be attending the Hall of Fame induction ceremony for Terry Elias, a revered figure in the RV industry, in August. Terry Elias has made outstanding contributions to the growth and development of the RV sector, and his induction into the Hall of Fame is a well-deserved honour. We look forward to celebrating his achievements and continuing his legacy of excellence.

  1. Preparing for CRVA’s 50th Anniversary in 2025

As we approach our 50th anniversary in 2025, CRVA is gearing up for a year-long celebration to commemorate this significant milestone. We are planning a series of events, initiatives, and special projects to highlight our journey and contributions to the RV industry over the past five decades.

Stay tuned for more details as we prepare to celebrate this momentous occasion with our members and the wider RV community.

Fleming College School of Trades and Technology
Fleming College School of Trades and Technology
  1. Promoting Fleming College’s New RV Trade Curriculum

In a bid to support education and professional development within the RV industry, CRVA is actively promoting Fleming College’s newly introduced RV trade curriculum that commences in September. This program is designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue careers in the RV sector, addressing the growing demand for qualified professionals.

Looking Ahead

CRVA remains committed to fostering a vibrant and sustainable RV industry in Canada. Our efforts over the past quarter reflect our dedication to enhancing industry standards, supporting professional growth, and celebrating the achievements of our community.

We are excited about the future and look forward to continuing our work with partners, members, and stakeholders to drive the RV industry forward.

Stay connected with us for more updates and join us in our upcoming events and initiatives at