RVWA Announces Speaker Lineup for Education Symposium
Leadership and communication to be the focus during this year’s annual event.
A Special Report from our friends at RVWA
The RV Women’s Alliance educational symposium is scheduled for October 11 thru 13, 2023, at The Renaissance at Schaumburg in Chicago. Event will include networking, speakers, educational workshops and industry awards.
The four workshops will focus on developing and fine tuning participants’ leadership and communication skills.

Karen Zupko, an internationally recognized thought leader and speaker who advises many organizations and teams about the challenges and trends impacting them today, will cover an in depth look at how we communicate via our strengths and how teams can better communicate to achieve their goals. Karen will take participants through a guided understanding of your unique style based on your DISC assessment (assessment included as part of event) and how to then utilize your style to further enhance your career.

A pair of other sessions – one on conflict resolution and the second discussing emotional intelligence – will be facilitated by Mary Romeo and Heather French of Mary Romeo & Associates. Utilizing the Thomas-Kilmann approach to conflict resolution, attendees will learn their specific behaviour in

conflict resolution and the extent to which they project assertiveness and cooperativeness. Attendees will also participate in the emotional intelligence workshop to understand how to use and manage their own emotions to further enhance their careers.
The fourth workshop will be a panel discussion with leading women of the industry detailing how women can utilize everything they learned in the other workshops to advance their careers in the RV industry.
For more information about the event, please visit https://rvwa.org/events/educational-symposium/ or contact Jessica Rider at jrider@rvwa.org.
There are still sponsorship opportunities available, please contact Jessica for more information.